Rubric: Pilot Survey Analysis

EMSE 6035: Marketing Analytics for Design Decisions, Fall 2021

35 Total Points

Category Excellent Good Needs work
Organization & Formatting 5
All formatting guidelines are followed.
Most formatting guidelines are followed; only one or two components from the template are missing.
Most formatting guidelines are followed; several components from the template are missing or incomplete.
Pilot Analysis 10 / 9
All analysis guidelines are followed, including data cleaning, modeling, and a power analysis. Code in related files runs without error and results can be fully reproduced.
8 / 7 / 6
Most analysis guidelines are followed, including data cleaning, modeling, and a power analysis. Code in related files might have a few errors, but the results can still be reproduced with a few fixes.
5 / 4 / 3
Some of the analysis guidelines components are incomplete or missing, including data cleaning, modeling, and a power analysis. Code in related files has multiple significant errors and results cannot be reproduced, even with efforts to correct errors.
Report Contents 15 / 14
All report guidelines are followed, including descriptions of the survey design, the pilot analysis results, and changes that will be made to the final survey.
13 / 12 / 11
Most report guidelines are followed, including descriptions of the survey design, the pilot analysis results, and changes that will be made to the final survey. Some may be unclear or missing important details.
10 / 9 / 8 / 7
Several report guidelines are not followed, including descriptions of the survey design, the pilot analysis results, and changes that will be made to the final survey. Some components are incomplete or missing.
Appendix 5
Appendix of the full survey is included.
Appendix of the full survey is included, but some parts of the survey may be missing.
No appendix of survey included