class: middle, inverse .leftcol30[ <center> <img src="" width=250> </center> ] .rightcol70[ # Week 1: .fancy[Getting Started] ###
EMSE 6035: Marketing Analytics for Design Decisions ###
John Paul Helveston ###
August 28, 2024 ] --- class: inverse, middle # Week 1: .fancy[Getting Started] ### 1. Course orientation ### 2. Intro to conjoint analysis ### 3. Introductions ### BREAK: Teaming ### 4. Getting started with R & RStudio --- class: inverse, middle # Week 1: .fancy[Getting Started] ### 1. .orange[Course orientation] ### 2. Intro to conjoint analysis ### 3. Introductions ### BREAK: Teaming ### 4. Getting started with R & RStudio --- # Meet your instructor! .leftcol30[.circle[ <img src="" width="300"> ]] .rightcol70[ ### John Helveston, Ph.D. .font80[ - 2018 - Present Assistant Professor, Engineering Management & Systems Engineering - 2016-2018 Postdoc at [Institute for Sustainable Energy](, Boston University - 2016 PhD in Engineering & Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University - 2015 MS in Engineering & Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University - 2010 BS in Engineering Science & Mechanics at Virginia Tech - Website: []( ]] --- #
Tools <br> -- ##
Course website: -- ##
Course slack: -- ##
& RStudio: [Course Software Page]( --- class: center # Why
? <center> <img src="images/why-R.png" width=600> </center> --- # Learning Objectives ### After this class, you will know how to... - ### with data in
- ### effective surveys to get rich data - ### ...analyze consumer choice data to model consumer preferences - ### effective charts to communicate insights --- # Course prerequisites .leftcol60[ ### This course requires prior exposure to: - ### Probability theory - ### Multivariable calculus - ### Linear algebra - ### Regression ] -- .rightcol40[ ### **Not sure?** ### Take [this self assessment]( ] --- # Reflections (30% of grade) ### Do some readings, recorded lectures, practice problems ### Write a short reflection -- ##
~Every week (10 total) -- ##
Due 11:59pm Tues. before class -- ##
Graded for completion (looking for engagement) --- # **Quizzes** (10% of grade) -- ##
At the start of class every other week-is. Make ups only for excused absences (i.e. don't be late). -- ##
5 total, lowest dropped -- ##
~5 - 10 minutes -- > **Why quiz at all?** The "retrieval effect" - basically, you have to _practice_ remembering things, otherwise your brain won't remember them (see the book ["Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning"]( --- # Exam (10% of grade) ### Take home exam, 2nd to last week of class ### We'll go over exam solutions on last day of class --- # [Semester Project]( (45% of grade) .leftcol[ ### Teams of 3-4 students ### Goals: - Assess market viability of a new technology or design - Recommend best design choices for target market or application ] .rightcol[ ### Key deliverables: Item | Weight | Due ----------------|----------------------------|-------------------- Project Proposal | 5 % | Sep. 24 Survey Plan | 5 % | Oct. 03 Pilot Survey | 5 % | Oct. 17 Pilot Analysis | 5 % | Nov. 05 Final Survey | 5 % | Nov. 19 Final Analysis Report | 15 % | Dec. 10 Final Presentation | 5 % | Dec. 12 ] --- background-color: #FFF # .center[Grades] <center> <img src="" width=90%> </center> --- # .center[Grades] Item | Weight | Notes ----------------------|--------|------------------------------------- Participation / Attendance | 5% | (Yes, I take attendance) Reflections | 30 % | Weekly assignment (10 x 3%, lowest dropped) Quizzes | 10 % | 5 quizzes, lowest dropped Final Exam | 10 % | Take home exam Project Proposal | 5 % | Teams of 3-4 students Survey Plan | 5 % | Pilot Survey | 5 % | Pilot Analysis | 5 % | Final Survey | 5 % | Final Analysis Report | 15 % | Final Presentation | 5 % | --- # Course policies -- .leftcol35[ - ## BE NICE - ## BE HONEST - ## DON'T CHEAT ] -- .rightcol65[ ## .center[Copying is good, stealing is bad] > "Plagiarism is trying to pass someone else's work off as your own. Copying is about reverse-engineering." > > .right[-- Austin Kleon, from [Steal Like An Artist]( ] ] --- ## Use of chatGPT and other AI tools - Large language models (LLMs) are pretty good...but sometimes suck. -- - Use of AI tools is generally permitted, but **be transparent**. - All assignments must include a **Use of AI on this assignment** section where you: - Describe any AI tool and how it was used along with prompt(s) used. - Include a link to the chat transcript. ## **Use AI as an assistant, not a solutions manual** > Curious how LLMs actually work? Check out [this article](, which provides a simplified description of how they work (which itself is still quite complicated). --- # Late submissions ## - **5** late days - use them anytime, no questions asked ## - No more than **2** late days on any one assignment ## - Contact me for special cases --- # How to succeed in this class -- ##
Participate during class! -- ##
Start assignments early and **read carefully**! -- ##
Get sleep and take breaks often! -- ##
Ask for help! --- # Getting Help -- ##
Use [Slack]( to ask questions. -- ##
[Schedule a meeting]( w/Prof. Helveston: - Mondays from 8:00-4:30pm - Tuesdays from 8:00-4:30pm - Fridays from 8:00-4:00pm -- ##
[GW Coders]( --- class: inverse, middle # Week 1: .fancy[Getting Started] ### 1. Course orientation ### 2. .orange[Intro to conjoint analysis] ### 3. Introductions ### BREAK: Teaming ### 4. Getting started with R & RStudio --- .leftcol[ <center> <img src="images/cat-box.jpg" width=100%> </center> ] .rightcol[ # Engineers often design things nobody wants! ] --- ## We want to answers to questions like... <br> -- ### - Higher prices decrease demand, but by how much? -- ### - How much more is a consumer willing to pay for increased performance in X? -- ### - How will my product compete against competitors in the market? -- ## **Answers depend on knowing what people want** --- class: center ## Directly asking people what they want isn't always helpful -- ### (People want everything) <center> <img src="images/the_homer.png" width=700> </center> --- class: center, middle ## Which feature do you care more about? <center> <img src="images/phone.png" width=200> </center> .cols3[ ## .center[Battery Life?] <center> <img src="images/phone_battery.png" width=100%> </center> ] .cols3[ ## .center[Brand?] <center> <img src="images/phone_brand.png" width=100%> </center> ] .cols3[ ## .center[Signal quality?] <center> <img src="images/phone_signal.png" width=100%> </center> ] --- class: center ## **Conjoint approach**:<br>Use consumer choice data to model preferences <center> <img src="images/conjoint_table.png" width=800> </center> --- ### .center[Use random utility framework to predict probability of choosing phone _j_] <br> -- ### 1. `\(u_j = \beta_1\mathrm{price}_j + \beta_2\mathrm{brand}_j + \beta_3\mathrm{battery}_j + \beta_4\mathrm{signal}_j + \varepsilon_j\)` -- ### 2. Assume `\(\varepsilon_j \sim\)` iid extreme value -- ### 3. Probability of choosing phone _j_: `\(P_j = \frac{e^{\beta'x_j}}{\sum_k^J e^{\beta'x_k}}\)` -- ### 4. Estimate `\(\beta_1\)`, `\(\beta_2\)`, `\(\beta_3\)`, `\(\beta_4\)` by minimizing `\(-L = - \sum_n^N \sum_j^J y_{nj} \ln P_{nj}\)` --- class: center .leftcol[.center[ ## **Willingness to Pay** <br> ## `\(u_j = \beta'x_j + \alpha p_j + \varepsilon_j\)` ## `\(\omega = \frac{\beta}{-\alpha}\)` .font120["Respondents on average are willing to pay $XX to improve battery life by XX%"] ]] -- .rightcol[ ## **Make predictions** ### `\(P_j = \frac{e^{\hat{\beta}'x_j}}{\sum_k^J e^{\hat{\beta}'x_k}}\)` <center> <img src="images/phone_price_sens.png" width=500> </center> ] --- class: center, inverse, middle # Example: _Pocket Charge_ ## A Flexible, Portable Solar Charger --- background-image: url(images/solar1.png) background-size: contain --- class: center, middle background-color: #fff ### Example survey choice question <center> <img src="images/solar2.png" width=850> </center> --- background-image: url(images/solar3.png) background-size: contain --- class: center, inverse, middle # Your project starts now! # [View project Ideas]( --- class: inverse, middle # Week 1: .fancy[Getting Started] ### 1. Course orientation ### 2. Intro to conjoint analysis ### 3. .orange[Introductions] ### BREAK: Teaming ### 4. Getting started with R & RStudio --- # Introduce yourself ## - Preferred name ## - Degree program ## - Prior experience ## - What do you hope to gain from this class? ## - Project interests? --- class: inverse <br> # .center[.fancy[Break]] 1. If you haven't already, install everything on the [software page]( 2. Stand up, meet each other, (maybe form teams?...use [this sheet](
--- class: inverse, middle # Week 1: .fancy[Getting Started] ### 1. Course orientation ### 2. Intro to conjoint analysis ### 3. Introductions ### BREAK: Teaming ### 4. .orange[Getting started with R & RStudio] --- # RStudio Orientation .leftcol70[ <center> <img src="images/rstudio-panes.png" width=650> </center> ] .rightcol30[ - Know the boxes - Customize the layout - Customize the look - [Extra themes]( ] --- class: center, middle, inverse # Open `intro-to-R.R` file and follow along --- # View prior code in history pane <img src="images/rstudio-panes.png" width=500> -- # Use "up" arrow see previous code --- # Staying organized -- ## 1) Save your code in .R files > ### ‍File > New File > R Script -- ## 2) Keep work in R Project files > ### File > New Project... --- class: inverse
.leftcol[.font80[ ## Your turn ### A. Practice getting organized 1. Open RStudio and create a new R project called `week1`. 2. Create a new R script and save it as `practice.R`. 3. Open the `practice.R` file and write your answers to these questions in it. ]] .rightcol[.font80[ ### B. Creating & working with objects 1). Create objects to store the values in this table: | City | Area (sq. mi.) | Population (thousands) | |-------------------|----------------|------------------------| | San Francisco, CA | 47 | 884 | | Chicago, IL | 228 | 2,716 | | Washington, DC | 61 | 694 | 2) Using the objects you created, answer the following questions: - Which city has the highest density? - How many _more_ people would need to live in DC for it to have the same population density as San Francisco? ]] --- class: center, middle background-color: #fff # >15,000 [packages]( on the [CRAN]( <center> <img src="images/cran.png" width=600> </center> --- # Installing packages -- ### `install.packages("packagename")` ### (The package name **must** be in quotes) ``` r install.packages("packagename") # This works install.packages(packagename) # This doesn't work ``` -- ### **You only need to install a package once!** --- # Loading packages -- ### `library(packagename)`: Loads all the functions in a package ### (The package name _doesn't_ need to be in quotes) ``` r library("packagename") # This works library(packagename) # This also works ``` -- ### **You need to _load_ the package every time you use it!** --- background-color: #fff class: center # Installing vs. Loading <center> <img src="images/package_lightbulb.png" width=1000> </center> --- ## Example: **wikifacts** Install the [Wikifacts]( package, by Keith McNulty: ``` r install.packages("wikifacts") ``` -- Load the package: ``` r library(wikifacts) # Load the library ``` -- Use one of the package functions ``` r wiki_randomfact() ``` ``` #> [1] "Here's some news from 11 May 2023. The World Health Organization ends its designation of the COVID-19 pandemic as a global health emergency. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)" ``` --- ## Example: **wikifacts** Now, restart your RStudio session: > Session -> Restart R -- Try using the package function again: ``` r wiki_randomfact() ``` ``` #> Error in wiki_randomfact(): could not find function "wiki_randomfact" ``` --- # Using only _some_ package functions ### You don't always have to load the whole library. -- ### Functions can be accessed with this pattern: `packagename::functionname()` -- ``` r wikifacts::wiki_randomfact() ``` ``` #> [1] "Did you know that on February 5 in 1917 – The U.S. Congress overrode President Woodrow Wilson's veto to pass the Immigration Act of 1917, establishing new restrictions on immigrants, including the wholesale ban of people from much of Asia. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)" ``` --- class: inverse, center, middle ## If you haven't yet, install [these packages]( --- class: center, middle, inverse # Back `intro-to-R.R` for the rest of class!