class: middle, inverse .leftcol30[ <center> <img src="" width=250> </center> ] .rightcol70[ # Week 4: .fancy[Intro to surveydown] ###
EMSE 6035: Marketing Analytics for Design Decisions ###
John Paul Helveston ###
September 18, 2024 ] --- class: inverse, middle # .center[**Reminders**] # Proposals due Sunday, 9/22 by midnight -- <br> # Next week project workshop:<br>team meetings & proposal feedback --- class: inverse, middle # Week 4: .fancy[Intro to surveydown] ### 1. surveydown basics ### 2. Connect a database ### 3. Make it live ### BREAK ### 4. Conjoint survey components --- class: inverse, middle # Week 4: .fancy[Intro to surveydown] ### 1. .orange[surveydown basics] ### 2. Connect a database ### 3. Make it live ### BREAK ### 4. Conjoint survey components --- class: middle # 1. Open `demoSurvey.Rproj` # 2. Open `demoSurvey.qmd` # 3. Click "Run Document" --- .leftcol[ # Four parts to a surveydown survey 1. The YAML header 2. The setup code chunk 3. The survey body 4. The server code chunk ] .rightcol[ <center> <img src="images/components_01.jpeg" width=400> <img src="images/components_02.jpeg" width=400> <img src="images/components_03.jpeg" width=400> </center> ] --- ## 1. YAML Header The YAML header is at the top of the `.qmd` file. **Must contain at least the following**: ``` yaml --- server: shiny filters: [surveydown] --- ``` -- Update / install the extension: ``` r surveydown::sd_update_extension() ``` --- ## Change the survey theme .leftcol[ Pick a different [bootswatch theme]( with the `theme` key: ``` yaml --- theme: united --- ``` ] .rightcol[ Make a custom theme with a `custom.scss` file ``` yaml --- theme: [united, custom.scss] --- ``` ] --- ## Progress bar You can modify the survey progress bar with the `barcolor` and `barposition` keys: .leftcol[ Change to any color with `barcolor`: ``` yaml --- barcolor: #768692 --- ``` ] .rightcol[ Change position: `top`, `bottom`, or `none` ``` yaml --- barposition: bottom --- ``` ] --- .leftcol[ ## 2. Setup code chunk First chunk: - Load libraries - Connect to database Ignore this for now: `ignore = TRUE` ] .rightcol[ ````markdown ```{r} #| echo: fenced #| context: setup #| warning: false #| message: false # Load the package library(surveydown) # Load an other packages here # Run initial setup function (essential - do not delete) sd_setup() # Setup database connection db <- sd_database( host = "", dbname = "", port = "", user = "", table = "", ignore = TRUE ) ``` ```` ] --- ## 3. Survey body This is where you insert pages, text, images, questions, etc. --- # Inserting pages Insert new pages with `:::` symbols, like this ``` r ::: {#page_name .sd-page} Page content here ::: ``` -- Insert next buttons with the `sd_next()` function, like this ````markdown ```{r} sd_next('next_page_name') ``` ```` --- # Inserting questions Insert questions using the `sd_question()` function, like this: .leftcol[ **Code** ``` r sd_question( type = 'mc', id = 'fruit', label = "1. Do you like fruit?", option = c( 'Yes!' = 'yes', 'Kind of' = 'kind_of', 'No :(' = 'no' ) ) ``` ] .rightcol[ **Output**
Do you like fruit?
Kind of
No :(
] --- ## surveydown supports lots of [question types]( Some common types you may want to use: Type | Description -----|--------------------- `mc` | Multiple choice question (single choice) `mc_multiple` | Multiple choice question (multiple choices) `mc_buttons` | Multiple choice question (large buttons) `select` | Drop down menu (choose one) `text` | Open text, single row `textarea` | Open text, block --- # Embedding images I recommend just writing html code, like this ``` html <img src="" width=250> ``` <img src="" width=250> --- # Centered image I recommend just writing html code, like this ``` html <center> <img src="" width=250> </center> ``` <center> <img src="" width=250> </center> --- # The server code chunk - Set up custom configurations, like skip logic. - Launch the main server (`sd_server()` function). --- # Enabling conditional actions Use the `sd_config()` function to add conditional actions, like conditionally _showing_ something or conditionally _skipping_ to a page. This is in the server code chunk of `demoSurvey.qmd` ``` r config <- sd_config( skip_if = tibble::tribble( ~question_id, ~question_value, ~target, 'pill_color', 'blue', 'end' ), show_if = tibble::tribble( ~question_id, ~question_value, ~target, 'fruit', 'yes', 'fav_fruit', 'fruit', 'kind_of', 'fav_fruit' ), ) ``` --- ## Conditional skipping If they choose "Blue", skip to the end page ``` r config <- sd_config( * skip_if = tibble::tribble( * ~question_id, ~question_value, ~target, * 'pill_color', 'blue', 'end' * ), show_if = tibble::tribble( ~question_id, ~question_value, ~target, 'fruit', 'yes', 'fav_fruit', 'fruit', 'kind_of', 'fav_fruit' ), ) ``` --- ## Conditional showing The "What's your favorite fruit" question will only be shown if they choose "Yes" or "Kind of" for the "Do you like fruit" question ``` r config <- sd_config( skip_if = tibble::tribble( ~question_id, ~question_value, ~target, 'pill_color', 'blue', 'end' ), * show_if = tibble::tribble( * ~question_id, ~question_value, ~target, * 'fruit', 'yes', 'fav_fruit', * 'fruit', 'kind_of', 'fav_fruit' * ), ) ``` --- class: inverse
## Your turn - Open and edit the `practiceSurvey.qmd` file. - Pick a topic for your survey (a food, an animal, a sports team...whatever). - Draft a survey about that topic. Include the following: - Page 1: A welcome message in large font ("Welcome to a survey about [topic]") and an image about the topic (find an image somewhere). - Page 2: Add one simple multiple choice question about the topic and another that will only display depending on a specific choice in the first question - Pages 3 & 4: These pages should be two different "end" conditions. Respondents should be sent to either page based on their choices in the multiple choice question on page 2. --- class: inverse, middle # Week 4: .fancy[Intro to surveydown] ### 1. surveydown basics ### 2. .orange[Connect a database] ### 3. Make it live ### BREAK ### 4. Conjoint survey components --- ## Store data in [Supabase]( Steps to connect a database via Supabase: 1. Create a Supabase account 2. Create a Supabase project 3. Copy your credentials --- ## Creating a project .leftcol[ <center> <img src="images/supabase-project.jpg" width=100%> </center> ] .rightcol[ - Choose a project name (this is your "database") - Each database can have multiple tables - Choose a strong password ] --- ## Set a password with `sd_set_password()` To access your database from R, you need to securely store your Supabase password. Do this in your R console like this: ``` r sd_set_password("my_password") ``` -- This creates a `.Renvion` file in your project directory where your password lives. **Don't modify this file!** ``` SURVEYDOWN_PASSWORD=my_password ``` --- ## Copy your credentials .leftcol[ Go to **Project Settings** in bottom-left corner, then click **Database** under **Configuration** Get your **Connection parameters**: <center> <img src="images/db-connection.jpg" width=90%> </center> ] .rightcol[ - Put them in your server code chunk. - Choose any table name you want to store your data. ``` r db <- sd_database( host = "", dbname = "", port = "", user = "", table = "any_table_name" ) ``` ] --- class: inverse
## Your turn - Create a Supabase account and database - Copy your parameters into your `practiceSurvey.qmd` file. - Click "Run Document" and check that the database table is updating in your Supabase table. --- class: inverse, center # .fancy[Break]
--- class: inverse, middle # Week 4: .fancy[Intro to surveydown] ### 1. surveydown basics ### 2. Connect a database ### 3. .orange[Make it live] ### BREAK ### 4. Conjoint survey components --- class: middle, center # Follow [instructions]( on --- class: inverse, middle # Week 4: .fancy[Intro to surveydown] ### 1. surveydown basics ### 2. Connect a database ### 3. Make it live ### BREAK ### 4. .orange[Conjoint survey components] --- # 3 Parts <br> - ### **Part 1**: Intro - ### **Part 2**: Conjoint questions - ### **Part 3**: Other / demographic questions --- # 3 Parts <br> - ### **Part 1**: Intro --> .red[screen for target population] - ### **Part 2**: Conjoint questions --> .red[screen for random answers] - ### **Part 3**: Other / demographic questions --- # .center[Think of your survey as a _conversation_] <br> - Include "transition" pages (e.g. Great job! Now we'll ask you about...) --- class: middle, center, inverse # **Part 1**: Intro --- class: center # Start with a welcome page <center> <img src="images/1welcome page.png" width=800> </center> --- class: center, middle .leftcol30[ # Consent form ] .rightcol70[ <center> <img src="images/2consent.png" width=500> </center> ] --- class: center ## **Eligibility questions**: who is your target population? ### .red[_Filter out respondents here_] <center> <img src="images/3filter.png" width=700> </center> --- class: middle, center, inverse # **Part 2**: Conjoint questions --- class: middle, center # Education information <center> <img src="images/5education1.png" width=700> </center> --- class: center # Education information .leftcol[ <center> <img src="images/5education2.png"> </center> ] .rightcol[ <center> <img src="images/5education3.png"> </center> ] --- ## .center[Can be helpful to provide relative comparisons] Weight: - 1/2 lbs (similar to 1 cup water) - 8 lbs (similar to 1 gallon of milk) --- class: center # Conjoint intro <center> <img src="images/6conjoint_intro1.png" width=800> </center> --- class: center ## Practice conjoint (also attention check) ### .red[_May also filter out respondents here_] <center> <img src="images/7conjoint_practice.png" width=550> </center> --- class: center # Transition to actual conjoint questions <center> <img src="images/8conjoint_intro2.png" width=700> </center> --- class: middle .leftcol40[ # Conjoint questions ### .red[_May also filter out respondents at the end_] (e.g. chose all same answers) ] .rightcol60[ <center> <img src="images/9conjoint.png" width=600> </center> ] --- class: middle, center, inverse # **Part 3**: Other / demographic questions --- class: center # Transition <center> <img src="images/10wrap_up.png" width=700> </center> --- class: center # Critical respondent information <center> <img src="images/4critical_info.png" width=900> </center> --- class: center # Demographic / other questions <center> <img src="images/11demo.png" width=500> </center> --- class: center # Finale <center> <img src="images/12end.png" width=900> </center> --- class: inverse, center, middle # [Blog post on conjoint in surveydown]( -- # [Project survey plan]( -- # Sign up for meeting slot next week<br>(link in #project channel)